
 Button  Button  Button
Button Button Button
Button Button Button
Button Button Button
Button Button Button
Button Button Button

Savia features a number of customizable buttons. Use the „Add a Button Link“ button from your editor’s kitchen sink to add the button shortcode to your page/post.
By default it looks like this:

This is where button customization starts – you can pass a URL link to the „href“ param, you can also pass „_blank“ to the „target“ parameter and for the „css_classes“ parameter you have quite a few options, where you can combine them, some are for size, some for text-style, some for colors:

For button colors your options are:
  • button_blue  – this option creates a blue button
  • button_orange  – this option creates an orange button
  • button_green  – this option creates a green button
  • button_pale  – this option creates a light button
  • button_hilite  – this option makes the button to inherit your Template Main HighLight color that you choose under Appearance->Customize.
  • Passing none of these values creates a dark button, that inherits your Template’s Main color as a hover color
For size your options are:
  • small_button  – this option creates a blue button
  • tiny_button  – this option creates an orange button
  • Passing none of the above values for size creates a big button
Finally you can add a CSS class for the font-style:
  • regular_text  – this option creates a simple regular text button with a small border radius
Adding icons to your buttons

First off pick the icon you want to use (Features->Entypo Icons page in the Demo), then create your button and after setting all your parameters the way you want them add the „Icon“ shortcode to it’s text by leaving just the icon parameter in like so:

So the end result would be something like this:

Cool Button